Tuesday, February 1

monday monday monday

My new found love with the day Monday..

You know how usually everyone in the world hates Monday's? I remember in elementary/jr.high/high school and Sundays were thee best lazy days that consisted of watching movies and stuffing yourself with Sunday dinner, thinking life can't get any better. Then you realize that you had to go back to real life, school and other unpleasant things the next morning and being on the verge of a breakdown. Maybe some of you still feel that way, if you do just roll your eyes at my post and ignore I even said it.
Those days are over for me, I'm loving the day. Probably because the fact that I am this ball of energy and I am the most productive and get so much done, also have no school, usually don't work, and my newly favorite tv shows are back to back. (Pretty Little Liars & Greek).

I don't know why but I found it quite amusing when I realized how bummed I was that it was Tuesday which isn't usually that great, but still I was wishing it was Monday, so odd. Thought I just had to share with everyone this discovery about myself. I am a Monday person, who knew?

Oh and to let everyone know I will be in St.Thomas reunited once again with my two bestest friends in 23 days. Going to be on the beach and do nothing but enjoy life. ahhh can't wait.

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