Two blog posts in one day? Yup I'm doin' it.
I just had to share my hilarious day with my mother & the nephew. Us three spend a lot of time together, I mean A LOT OF TIME cause my sister works 3 to 4 days a week and my mama watches him. Anyways, story time. We had to go to Home Depot and go look at lights and get paint. While my mom was going through catalogs, Hunter, my nephew started to get fussy. Immediately I start singing "The wheel's on the bus" song because it works every time. Then I started to get creative and started to push the cart down the aisles, while singing, going at a pretty decent speed. Hunter was loving it! I mean laughing and screaming the whole bit. While making the rounds around the lighting department, my coordination or lack there of comes out. I twisted my ankle so bad that I was convinced I broke a bone. I wasn't paying any attention cause I was so concerned with my foot. So naturally,the most horrifying thing happens, I literally run right into a lady. Yes full on ran into this poor lady with my cart. I was limping cause I was in so much pain, and still singing that wretched song and I don't think she even heard my apology cause my nephew was screaming with joy cause he thought it was some sort of game, I invented it, its called "Aunt Amanda makes a complete full of herself at the cost of making Hunter laugh".. lets just say I'm never showing myself at that store ever again.
On the way home from the most humiliating experience of my life, Hunter started to get really really fussy. He had been in the car too long and it was his nap time. So usually he likes the radio and so I turn it up. That only made him even more upset. I was so frustrated and then my mom turns off the radio and starts singing on top of her lungs .. oh you guessed it.. "THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO ROUND AND ROUND!!" Can I add that she has a horrible voice and she would be the first one to tell you. I just look at her thinking.."this song is taking over our lives, at the cost of our sanity". I think she realizes it too and so she starts laughing so hard and poor Hunter got the worst performance. We had this laugh attack all the way home and every time we stopped singing he started crying but we couldn't stop laughing. Ohh the joys of having a baby around.
It's a good thing he is dang cute..
mandar. best story ever hahahah i can see all of it happening, especially you and janet trying to sing together. CUTE picture, i love it!