Tuesday, July 12

im just a summer girl

Been slacking a bit lately.. here is an update on my wayyy awesome summer so far. enjoy

went to my first blaze game, hilarious I tell you. most interesting fans and I don't get arena football buttt double dates with my bff and the carrel brothers are the best

remember my adorable nephew that I think I mention in every blog post. well we became roomies this summer, but sadly now is moving into his new house. loved waking up to this little boys "happy screams" every morning. 
he really gets excited about breakfast for some reason?

this boy, davis, came home and I love having another buddy home again. fun fact: this picture was only taken 3 days after he came home, hand on shoulder is a pretty big deal just sayin. he only said "oh my gosh this is awkward, this is so weird" about 10393 million times that night.

 went to a drive in with ma best lady friends. don't worry, there 
were guys there AFTER we took this on self-timer. we're cool.

then my bff katherine wanted me to go crazy and leave me once again for another adventure. she moved to san francisco and ruined all of our summer plans 
and I missed her so much that i.....

.... visited her a week later. so its fine. her apartment is right by pier 39 (where her work is) and we had so much fun exploring and getting lost in the city. can't wait to go see her again

tehya came too, we are traveling buddies

went to the kid cudi concert and knew about 4 songs he played. 
but we had a good time anyway. we tried to "fit in" and pretend to
be totally high, just cause everyone else was.

firework overload the past week and it started off with the eagle wood fireworks. 
my favorite thing about summer. i don't get how people ever get sick of them.

the fourth of july with all my best friends. I celebrated my birthday just the day before but didn't get any pictures sadly. but none the less i had a great birthday. 
my best friends and family showered me with gifts and love and made turning 20 a lot easier
i had a hard time accepting that i wasn't a teenager anymore. im soooo old. 

got to see my bff Caitlin made my favorite holiday that much better. she is visiting from 
Virginia and I got to see her and her cute baby, that is honestly SO good. and even more adorable. i wish she lived closer, so i'd be able to steal that cute babe of hers.

and of course a summer wouldn't be complete without going to a bee's game.
but i'll be honest,i don't really watch the game. i just go for the dippin' dots.

wow longest blog post EVER is now done.

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