Wednesday, December 15

late night blogger

So instead of fb stalking tonight, editing my blog seems like a good alternative. I don't feel as creepy or useless after, cause it took some creativity blogging. shout out to my family and friends this week. I love my mothers advice and my great friends encouragement. You guys help me more than you'll ever realize. I beat the new year and started my resolutions for 2011. go me :)

  • budget money- I need to save up for st.thomas and spain . I have to go see my friends. I'm worried that they'll miss me too much.
  • get fit- if anyone knows me at all they know I hate exercising. except zumba. but I am determined to be better. lets see how long it lasts.
  • volunteer- going on some sort of humanitarian mission for a month or so is my dream.
  • declaring a major- I need to get from "undecided major" to an actual one. figure it out amanda.
  • de-stress - In need of some organization and yoga in my life. 

thats all so far,I'm sure I will have about 10 more.
I get way into the whole,"fresh start for the new year".

happy blogging everyone. enjoy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love the new layout! these sound like great goals. i should start on mine.
    can't wait to see you this weekend.
    xoxo, jamie
