Monday, April 11


Happy Monday Everyoneee. It is finally starting to look like Spring outside and I'm a happy girl.

 Ohh what a good weekend I had, hung out with my recently returned best friend and his awesome family. He is back and sadly doesn't have that hick accent that I could make fun of. I was so disappointed. But oh well my buddy is back and I have made him hang out with me every night since he's been home. Poor kid doesn't get a break.

More good times to come this week when I........

 first..venture down to happy valley to visit my favorite married couple Karlee & Daniel and their cute pup Daphne and cook them dinner, my dad's spaghetti upon their request. And lastly going to make a suprise visit to Shelby who I haven't seen in ages. Hopefully your boyfriend won't mind if I steal you for an hour or two, well let's just hope she's home when I show up all excited.. maybe I should call her ahead of time so my plan doesn't back fire.

then.. I guess at some point this week my long lost bestie Lexi that has been living in Spain comes home, she is currently galavanting around Europe with a few other gals and I haven't gotten to hear from her. But I will be waiting for a phone call ... patiently waiting. Either that or I'll camp out at her house till she gets home.
I bet her mom and dad would love the last suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. you and brock should get married. just saying. i'm sorry i didn't see you this past weekend. i was looking forward to it. next time i'm down in k-town let's all go to lunch!
    xoxo, jamie
