Wednesday, December 29

congrats are in order

First off to Caitlin(one of my best friends) & her hubby Tyler Bowen
Leo Tyler Bowen was born today. He is a beautiful baby and has lots of dark hair,which is so cute. I love him already. :) I'm so excited for these two, they have been waiting so long for this little boy to come. And I couldn't be happier for them, they are going to be the best parents.

Second to Katherine Oleson and Hillary Wood
On January 8th they are going to be moving to St.Thomas(aka: paradise) for 5 months. They are going to be working for Del Sol and going to get extra tan. I'm super excited for these two and I am even more excited to go visit them.

Next I would like to congratulate Lexi Jensen
She is leaving January 9th to go live in Spain to go study abroad next semester. Everyones dream right? When I googled Spain, the pictures that came up were.. old historic buildings(which she loves), hot soccer boys, and yummy looking food. I'd say she is going to have a great time there. She is never going to want to come back to Utah. But I won't blame her. 

I'm so excited for my best friends, I feel like they are ALL doing exciting fun things with their lives. Mine at the moment isn't so, but I'll just live my life through theirs next semester. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Manda :) Leo just can't wait to meet you! Hopefully we will get out there soon!!
